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[2] Lun Li, Zhuhong Zhang*, Jiaxuan Lu. Artificial fly visual joint perception neural networkinspired by multiple-regional collision detection. Neural Networks 135 (2021)13-281. SCI

[3]Bin Hu, Zhuhong Zhang*. Bio-inspired visual neural network on spatio-temporal depthrotation perception, Neural Computing and Applications, 2021,33:10351-10370.SCI

[4]Zhuhong Zhang*, Lun Li, Jiaxuan Lu. Gradient-based fly immune visual recurrent neuralnetwork solving large-scale global optimization.Neurocomputing 454(2021)238-253SCI.

[5]Zhuhong Zhang, Renchong Zhang.Danger theory inspired micro-population immuneoptimization for probabilistic constrained programming. Evolving Systems, 2020, 11(2):333-348.EI.

[6]Zhuhong Zhang. Fast multiobjective immune optimization approach solving multiobjective interval number programming.Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2019,51: 100578SCI.

[7]Dan Wang,Zhuhong Zhang. Variational Bayesian inference based robust multiplemeasurement sparse signal recovery, Digital Signal Processing, 2019, 89: 131-144, SCI

[8] Dan Wang, Zhuhong Zhang. KKT condition-based smoothing recurrent neural network fornonsmooth nonconvex optimization in compressed sensing. Neural Comput & Applic, 201931:2905-2920.SCI.

[9] Bin Hu, Zhuhong Zhang. Bio-plausible visual neural network for spatio-temporally spiralmotion perception.Neurocomputing.2018, 310: 96-114, SCI.

[10]Zhuhong Zhang, Xiaoxia Wang, Jiaxuan Lu. Multi-objective immune genetic algorithmsolving nonlinear interval-valued programming. Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence,2018,67: 235-245,SCI.

[11] Kai Yang, Zhuhong Zhang, Jiaxuan Lu. Adaptive racing ranking-based immuneoptimization approach solving multi-objective expected value programming. Soft Comput.2018.22:2139-2158.SCI

[12] Bin Hu, Zhuhong Zhang, Lun Li. LGMD-based visual neural network for detectingcrowd escape behavior. Proceedings ofCCIS2018, p.772-778, EI.

[13] Dan Wang, Zhuhong Zhang. Smoothing neural network for robust sparse signal recoveryProceedings ofCCIS2018, p.772-778,EI.

[14] Bin Hu, Shigang Yue, Zhuhong Zhang. A rotational motion perception neural networkbased on asymmetric spatiotemporal visual information processing. lEEE Transactions onNeural Networks and Learning Systems,2017,28(11):2803~2821, SCI.

[15]Dan Wang, Zhuhong Zhang. Generalized sparse recovery model and its neural dynamicaloptimization method for compressed sensing. Circuits Syst Signal Process, 2017, 36:4326~4353.SCI.

[16]Juan Tao, Zhuhong Zhang.Continuous dependence and exponential stability ofsemi-linear interval-valued differential equations, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,2017,33:761~778.SCI.

[17]Zhuhong Zhang,Lun Li,Renchong Zhang.Danger theory based micro immuneoptimization algorithm solving probabilistic constrained optimization, 2017, 2nd IEEEInternational Conference onComputational Intelligence and Applications, Beijing.2017.9.8-2017.9.11.EI.





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2009-2015:Applied Soft Computing, Associate Editor.

发布日期: 2024-09-30
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