Guizhou University's 2021 Enrollment Brochure for the Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Program in Information Management and Information Systems, in collaboration with the University of West Carolina, USA

1. Introduction to the University

Guizhou University was founded in 1902 and has undergone various stages of development, including Guizhou University Hall, Guizhou Provincial University, National Guizhou Agricultural and Industrial College, and National Guizhou University, before being officially named Guizhou University in October 1950. In November 1951, Chairman Mao Zedong personally inscribed the name Guizhou University. In December 2004, it became a jointly constructed university by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Guizhou Province. In September 2005, it became a national 211 Project university. In September 2012, it was listed as one of the 14 universities in the national Western Region Comprehensive Strength Enhancement Project. In April 2016, it was identified as a key national construction university under the One Province, One University initiative in the central and western regions. In September 2017, it became a national university for the construction of world-class disciplines. In February 2018, the university became a jointly constructed university by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Guizhou Province. In December 2018, it was selected as a unit for nurturing National Demonstration Universities for Party Building Work. In January 2019, it was selected as a pilot unit for the comprehensive reform of Three Whole Education by the Ministry of Education. The university covers an area of 4646 mu, with a library collection of over 3.81 million printed documents and over 2.4 million electronic books. The university offers a complete range of disciplines, with 40 colleges, 34,188 full-time undergraduate students, and 12,202 postgraduates. There are currently 4,022 faculty members, including 2,676 full-time teachers, 519 professors, 1,136 associate professors, and 1,252 teachers with doctoral degrees among full-time teachers. The university currently has one world-class discipline, one national key discipline, two discipline groups serving local characteristic industries co-built by ministries and provinces, nine domestically first-class disciplines, seven regionally first-class disciplines, 23 provincial characteristic key disciplines, 17 doctoral degree authorization points for first-level disciplines, 52 master's degree authorization points for first-level disciplines, and 24 professional master's degree authorization points.

Western Carolina University (WCU), founded in 1889, is the fifth oldest institution in the US education system and one of the 17 campuses of the University of North Carolina system. Since its establishment, WCU has closely followed the global development trend, focusing on high-quality teaching and talent cultivation. It has evolved into a comprehensive university integrating culture, education, and scientific research at the regional level. It has been ranked among the top 15 best public universities in the South by US News and World Report for multiple years and among the top 10 universities for undergraduate research participation for several years. The university offers 115 undergraduate majors and 60 master's programs in seven disciplines, including engineering, natural sciences, health sciences, education, humanities, business, and arts. It currently has over 11,000 full-time undergraduate and graduate students from 46 states and 39 countries.

2. Programme Introduction

According to the Notice of the Ministry of Education on the Approval of Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Education Projects in the First Half of 2019 (Jiao Wai Han [2019] No. 55), Guizhou University and Western Carolina University have been approved by the Ministry of Education to jointly offer the undergraduate education program in Information Management and Information Systems (Certificate No.: MOE52US2A20192008N). This program was included in the national unified enrollment of the General College Entrance Examination in 2021, with an enrollment plan of 120 students. The program lasts for four years, with students studying at Guizhou University for the first three years, and those meeting the requirements of Western Carolina University completing their final year of study there. The program introduces high-quality international educational resources, educational concepts, American faculty, and courses from Western Carolina University. The student training process is jointly conducted by excellent teachers from Western Carolina University and outstanding teachers from Guizhou University who have experience in overseas scientific research and visiting scholarships. Upon completion of the program and meeting the requirements of Guizhou University and the Sino-Foreign Cooperation Program with Western Carolina University, students will be awarded a Guizhou University graduation certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education, and those meeting the degree awarding criteria will be conferred a bachelor's degree certificate in the corresponding discipline of Guizhou University. Students who meet the talent training plan and related assessment requirements of the program in the first three years, with the approval of Guizhou University and meeting the admission requirements of Western Carolina University (with all scores at Guizhou University above 75 points, English scores above 68 for TOEFL or above 6.0 for IELTS, or passing the English language internal test organized by Western Carolina University), can study at Western Carolina University in the fourth year. Those who meet the requirements for mutual recognition of credits at Guizhou University and pass the learning assessment at Western Carolina University will be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems Business Management from Western Carolina University, as well as a bachelor's degree and a degree certificate in Information Management and Information Systems from Guizhou University. Students who

 are unable to study at Western Carolina University in the final year due to personal reasons will continue to study at Guizhou University for the final year. Upon completion of the required credits and meeting the graduation requirements, they will be awarded a Guizhou University graduation certificate. Those who meet the degree awarding criteria will be conferred a bachelor's degree certificate from Guizhou University.

3. Programme Advantages

Expert Faculty and American-style Education: A team of elite teachers from Guizhou University and expert professors from Western Carolina University ensure high-quality teaching. The program uses original American textbooks and implements teaching outlines recognized by both China and the United States, transitioning from bilingual to purely English teaching.

Top-notch Programs with Eastern and Western Influence: The program's courses will teach knowledge and technology related to information management and information systems, aiming to cultivate international advanced professionals who possess good moral character and humanities literacy, master the basic theories of information management and big data analysis, systematic professional knowledge and skills, are familiar with international business culture, and have proficient translation skills. Graduates will be able to engage in scientific research, engineering technology development, and business management operations in fields such as information management, information system design and operation, and business analysis.

Scientific Planning with Student Development in Mind: The program avoids the difficulties faced by high school graduates going directly abroad and the disadvantages of students who spend too much time overseas and are unable to adapt to postgraduate life or understand the current market situation after returning to China.

Standardized Fees for Cost Savings: The 3+1 program structure ensures quality and reasonable fees, saving students and parents a considerable amount of study abroad expenses.

Unified Management and Shared Resources: Students have dedicated class advisers and smart classrooms for teaching, and can also access education resources from Western Carolina University under superior conditions.

4. Academic Plan

Year 1 (Domestic): Students undergo full-time English intensive courses and foundational courses in their major at Guizhou University to develop a solid English foundation and proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation skills.

Years 2-3 (Domestic): Students continue their full-time studies at Guizhou University, taking specialized courses from both Chinese and American universities.

Year 4 (Abroad/Domestic): After three years in China, students who meet the requirements can study abroad in the United States for one year. Those who do not meet the requirements will continue studying for one more year in China. Upon completion, students will receive a Guizhou University graduation certificate and degree certificate, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems Business Management from Western Carolina University for qualified students.

5. Degree Authentication

The bachelor's degree obtained from Western Carolina University will be authenticated by the Ministry of Education according to the overseas diploma authentication registration system, ensuring the integrity of the degree and diploma.

6. Programme Characteristics

Strict Management: Stringent student and dormitory management systems record student attendance and class attendance, check student dormitory attendance, communicate with parents in a timely manner, and ensure that students develop good study and living habits as soon as possible.

Learning Guidance: Learning advisors are provided to develop personalized learning plans based on students' individual characteristics, enabling students to steadily improve their English scores. Special language enhancement courses are offered to strengthen English for students with weak foundations.

Awards and Recognition: Scholarships and honorary titles during domestic study are awarded in accordance with the relevant regulations of Guizhou University.

International Exchange: Officials and professors from Western Carolina University visit regularly to interact with students. Outstanding students with excellent academic performance and comprehensive achievements, as well as outstanding student cadres, may be invited to visit foreign universities for academic visits or participate in various colorful study tours.

7. Admission Target

High school graduates who have participated in the National Unified College Entrance Examination.

8. Related Conditions

1. Applicants are required to have a college entrance examination score that meets the minimum admission control score for the first batch of undergraduate admissions in their province, and admission is based on a combination of high to low scores and specific major preferences. The college entrance examination must be taken in English, and the English score must be at least 50% of the maximum score for English in the province. In the case of the same total score, admission is based on the English subject score.

2. Only applicants who have clearly stated their intention to major in this program will be admitted, and no change of major will be allowed after admission.

9. Fee Standards

During the domestic study period, the tuition fee is based on the standard set by the provincial price regulatory department (approximately 24,000 RMB per person per academic year).

During the overseas study period, the tuition fee is approximately 8,400 USD per person per academic year, and the accommodation fee is approximately 5,400 USD per year (subject to slight adjustments each year, based on the fees published on the official website for that year).

The domestic tuition fee for this major is charged on an annual basis. Students studying abroad in the fourth year will not be charged domestic tuition fees for that year.

Release date: 2024-04-30
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Copyright College of Big Data and Information Engineering