"Connecting Teachers and Students, Communicating for the Future" Joint Theme Party Day Activity of the Big Data and Information Engineering College

To further understand the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, respond to General Secretary Xi Jinping's message to young students with practical actions, promote the early and solid implementation of the Erudite Plan, enhance the rate of postgraduate enrollment, and foster high-quality talents in the college, under the guidance and arrangement of the college's Party Committee, on the evening of November 23rd, the teaching staff party branch of the Information and Communication Engineering Department, along with the first and second student party branches of the Big Data and Information Engineering College, held a joint theme party day activity titled Connecting Teachers and Students, Communicating for the Future in Room 335 of Yumingjun Building. The activity was attended by Chen Yong, the Party secretary of the college, Liu Ziyan, the secretary of the teaching staff party branch of the Information and Communication Engineering Department, Zhang Li, the department head, Wang Tianyi, a representative teacher, and outstanding graduate student representatives from upper grades. All students from the 2022 Communication Engineering major also participated.

Professor Zhang Li, the department head of Communication Engineering, shared the basic situation of the major and its unique characteristics that combine both hardware and software. Professor Liu Ziyan shared information about Party building and discipline-specific matters, as well as advice on study planning, postgraduate entrance exams, and employment. Graduate representatives Yang Yu, Zhang Lihui, and undergraduate representative Huang Can also offered suggestions on undergraduate studies and postgraduate entrance exams based on their own experiences. During the interaction session, students spoke in an orderly manner, and teachers patiently answered their questions.

Finally, Chen Yong, the Party secretary of the college, summarized the event by saying: This activity demonstrates the profound care and attention the organizers have shown towards the students. The fully prepared speakers demonstrated their sincerity and dedication. I sense that the students have gained a lot and I encourage them to work hard in their future studies, making the most of their time and efforts. Do not let your time or yourself down, and become professionals in enterprises, industries, and fields, as well as confident engineers who promote high-quality development in the new era.

This joint theme party day activity not only enhanced communication between students, teachers, and students, but also created a strong learning atmosphere. It allowed students to reflect more deeply on their own development and planning, gain a deeper understanding of how they should study and develop, and demonstrated the college's high attention to students' future development.

Release date: 2023-12-27
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Phone:0851-88236659
Copyright College of Big Data and Information Engineering