Academic Report on "Sensors in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"

To actively explore the limitless possibilities of the era of artificial intelligence, understand the new spaces and prospects of sensors in the AI era, invigorate the academic atmosphere of the college, promote academic exchanges, broaden the horizons of teachers and students, advance quality education, and enhance the college's research level, the Big Data and Information Engineering College of Guizhou University has invited Professor Liu Zewen from the School of Integrated Circuit of Tsinghua University to deliver an academic report for the faculty and students of our college.

Presenter: Professor Liu Zewen, Tsinghua University
Lecture Theme: Sensors in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Time: 10 am, March 29, 2024 (Friday)
Venue: Room 509, Chongli Building
Host: Xie Quan

Liu Zewen, a professor of the School of Integrated Circuit of Tsinghua University, graduated from the Department of Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China in 1983, and received a Doctor of Science degree from Université Paris-Sud XI in France. He did postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University. In 1999, he joined the Microelectronics Research Institute of Tsinghua University and has served as the deputy director of the research office and the deputy director of the institute. He was engaged in the research of X-ray lithography technology and LIGA technology in his early years and won the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a participant. He has presided over a number of national and local government research projects, including the 973 project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China project, and the National Key Research and Development Program. He has been awarded the title of Excellent Teacher of Tsinghua University and Excellent Doctoral Supervisor of Tsinghua University. He has nearly 80 invention patents as the first inventor, published nearly 200 articles in various academic journals and conferences, and presided over the translation of an academic monograph of 750,000 words. He is a pioneer in radio frequency MEMS technology, silicon-based nanopore technology, and nitride sensors. He has been invited to review articles for many domestic and international journals such as JMEMS, EDL, Nanotechnology, IEEESensor, and Journal of Semiconductors. He has served as a review expert for many projects and competitions, including national scientific research awards, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, dissertations of the Ministry of Education, the Chip Innovation competition hosted by the Academic Degrees Committee of the Ministry of Education, and the finals of the Integrated Circuit Innovation Competition hosted by the Talent Exchange Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. He is currently a member of the Micro-Lithography Technology Sub-Committee of the National Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Standardization Technical Committee. His research directions include RF and microwave communication devices and systems based on RF MEMS, micro-nano process manufacturing systems, and integrated GaN/MEMS sensors.

Release date: 2023-03-26
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Phone:0851-88236659
Copyright College of Big Data and Information Engineering