Xiao Qingquan

Xiao Qingquan is a professor, doctoral supervisor, master's supervisor, and head of the Department of Electronic Science at the School of Big Data and Information Engineering. Expert in the evaluation of the National Science Foundation of Serbia, member of the Expert Committee of the Organizing Committee of the National Simulation Innovation Application Competition, consultant of the Guizhou Provincial Organizing Committee of the National Simulation Innovation Application Competition, expert in the evaluation of the Guizhou Provincial Big Data Expert Database, expert in the evaluation of high-tech recognized enterprises in Guizhou Province, senior member of the China Electronics Society, IEEE member, visiting scholar at the University of Greenwich in the UK, deputy chairman and secretary-general of the Democratic Progressive Guizhou University Committee, and member of the degree evaluation committee for electronic information majors at Guizhou University.

Guide graduate students in electronic science and technology (physical electronics, microelectronics and solid state electronics, academic type), new generation electronic information technology (professional type), and integrated circuit engineering (professional type), mainly engaged in research in the design and simulation of optoelectronic materials and devices, preparation of optoelectronic devices, big data anysis and application, etc., and have led or participated in more than 20 national and provincial level projects. Published over 50 first author or corresponding author papers, including over 30 indexed by SCI and El. Authorized 8 invention patents and 9 utility model patents. Received the third prize of Guizhou Province Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of the first Guizhou Province Graduate Teaching Achievement Award, and the third prize of the fourth Guizhou Province Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper Award.

Among the graduate students trained, many have received national scholarships, Huada Jiutian Professional Scholarship, Guizhou Province Outstanding Graduates and other awards and honors.

Contact email: qqxiaohn@126.com

Partial representative papers:

[1] Jiangxiang Wang, Baohui Zhang, Jingting Luo, Chen Fu, Ran Tao, Lei Yang, Honglang Li, Qingquan Xiao, Quan Xie High performance CQD photodetector via mixed halogen precursor passivation engineering [J] Optik, 2022, 266: 169597 Corresponding author (SCI Zone 3, EI)

[2] Lyu Lin, Xie Quan, Yang Yinye, Wang Rongrong, Cen Weifu, Luo Shengyun, Yang Wensheng, Gao Yue, Xiao Qingquan, Zou Ping, Yang Yang A novel CeO2 Hollow Shell sensor constructed for high sensitivity of acetate gas detection [J] Applied Surface Science, 2022571: 151337 (SCI Zone 2, EI)

[3] Anna He, Qingquan Xiao, Mingzhe Qin, et al. Study on the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Nd Incorporated Mg2Si by First Principles [J] Journal Of Electronic Materials, 2021-50: 4083-4089 (SCI Zone 4, EI) Corresponding Author

[4] Shi Jiaona, Kang Qi, Mi Yan, Xiao Qingquan Nitrogen doped Hollow Porous Carbon Nanotubes for High Full Loading Li-S Batteries [J] Electrochimica Acta, 2019324: 134849 (SCI Zone 2, EI) Corresponding author

[5] Wang Kun, Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, et al. First Principles Study of Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of La Doped AlN [J] Journal of Electronic Materials, 2019,48 (8): 5135-5142 (SCI Zone 4, EI) Corresponding author

[6] Xiao Qinquan, Fang Di, Liu Xiaojun, et al. Heat treatment temperature effects on the formation of Mg2Si films deposited by electron beam evolution [J] Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics, 2017,28 (1): 702-706 (SCI Zone 3)

[7] Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, Chen Qian, et al. Solid state synthesis of single phase Mg2Si films on Si substrates deposited at various sputtering powers [J] Physical status solid (c), 2013,10 (12): 1854-1856 (EI)

[8] Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, Shen Xiangqian, et al. Effects of magnetic film thickness and anchoring temperature on formation of Mg2Si films on silicon (111) substrate deposited by magnetic sputtering [J] Applied Surface Science, 2011257 (17): 7800-7804 (SCI Zone 2, EI)

[9] Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, Chen Qian, et al. Annealing effects on the formation of semiconductor Mg2Si film using magnetron sputtering deposition [J] Journal of Semiconductors, 2011, 32 (8): 082002 (EI)

[10] Liao Yang Fang, Xie Quan, Xiao Qing Quan, et al. Photography of Mg2Si films fabricated by magnetron sputtering [J] Applied Surface Science, 2017403: 302-307 (SCI Zone 2, EI)

[11] Wang Aoshuang, Xiao Qingquan, Chen Hao, etc Design and simulation of Mg2Si/Si avalanche photodiodes [J] Journal of Physics, 2021,70 (10): 108501 (nine pages) (SCI Zone 3, EI) Corresponding author

[12] Gao Shan, Xiao Qingquan, He Anna Research on Judicial Punishments Based on Deep Learning [J] Electronic Design Engineering, 2022, 30 (17): 23-27 Corresponding Author

[13] Ye Jianfeng, Qin Mingzhe, Xiao Qingquan, etc First principles study on the electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of Ti, V, Co, and Ni doped two-dimensional CrSi2 materials [J] Journal of Physics, 2021, 22 (70): 227301 (SCI Zone 3, EI) Corresponding author

[14] Wang Aoshuang, Xiao Qingquan, Chen Hao, etc Simulation of GaN/Si single heterojunction solar cells [J] Journal of Optics, 2020,40 (24): 2416001 (EI) Corresponding author

[15] Chen Hao, Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, etc Structural design and simulation of near-infrared Mg2Si/Si heterojunction photodiodes [J] Material Guide, 2019, 33 (10): 3358-3362 (EI) Corresponding Author

[16] Yuan Zhengbing, Xiao Qingquan, Yang Wenwen, etc Response and electrical characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47A/InP avalanche photodiodes [J] Journal of Photonics, 2018,47 (3): 304002 (EI) Corresponding author

[17] Xiao Qingquan, Fang Di, Zhao Kejie, etc Electron beam evaporation method for studying Mg2Si thin films and their optical bandgap [J] Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2017,36 (2): 265-270 (SCI Zone 4, EI)

[18] Fang Di, Xiao Qingquan, Liao Yangfang, etc Preparation and Electrical Properties of Mg2Si Thin Films on Sodium Calcium Glass [J] Material Guide, 2017,31 (2): 9-13 (EI) Corresponding Author

[19] Xiao Qingquan, Xie Quan, Shen Xiangqian, etc Preparation of Monophase Mg2Si Semiconductor Thin Films by Low Vacuum Heat Treatment on Si Substrates [J] Functional materials, 2013,44 (4): 585-589 (EI)



Partially led scientific research projects:

[1] Guizhou University Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Education Integration Innovation Platform and Graduate Joint Training Base Construction Project, 2020-520000-83-01-324061, National Development and Reform Commission Project, 2021.1-20231 million, Second Host.

[2] Collaborative project with Guizhou Zhenhua Tiantong Equipment Co., Ltd., research on location-based data presentation and behavior anysis algorithms, HT-2020701-0012020/12-2023/06, 50000 yuan, horizontal project, led by

[3] Guizhou Province Science and Technology Activity Selection Funding Project for Returned Overseas Students, Qianren Project Funding Contract (2018) No. 09, Structural Design and Computer Simulation of Infrared Sensors Based on Mg2Si Thin Films, 2018/01-2019/12, 50000 yuan, Hosted;

[4] Research on Doping and Optoelectronic Properties of Single Phase Mg2Si Semiconductor Thin Films on Insulated Substrates, Guizhou Natural Science Foundation Project, Contract No.: Qiankehe J Zi [2014] 2052, 2014.8-2017.8, 60000 RMB, Hosted;

[5] Computer simulation and experimental research on the growth process of Mg2Si semiconductor thin films, Guizhou International Science and Technology Cooperation Program project, contract number: Qiankehewai G-Zi [2013] 7003, July 2013-2016.6, 100000 yuan, hosted;

[6] Research on LED Optoelectronic Devices Based on Mg2Si, Guiyang Industrial Revitalization Science and Technology Plan Project, Contract No.: Zhuke Contract [202101] 2-1620121-2015.12, 80000 yuan, Hosted;

[7] Preparation and Property Study of Environmental Semiconductor Material Mg2Si by Magnetron Sputtering, Guizhou Natural Science Foundation Project, Contract No.: Qiankehe J Zi [2009] 2059, 2009.6-2012.5, 40000 RMB, Hosted;



Authorized national patents:

[1] Xie Quan, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Yu Zhiqiang, Zhao Kejie The magnetron sputtering process for preparing environmentally friendly semiconductor material Mg2Si thin films Invention patent number: ZL 201010147304.2 Authorization date: July 4th, 2012

[2] Xie Quan, Xiao Qingquan, Yu Hong, Chen Qian, Zhang Jinmin A preparation process for single phase Mg2Si semiconductor thin films Invention patent number: ZL 201210455881.7 Authorization date: March 11, 2015

[3] Xie Quan, Liao Yangfang, Yang Yunliang, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Baohui, Liang Feng, Wang Shanlan, Wu Hongxian, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Xie Jing, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, Zhang Jingyu. A light-emitting diode and its preparation method, invention patent, ZL 201510422501.3, authorization date: March 30, 2018

[4] Zhang Jinmin, Pan Wangheng, Xie Quan, Xiao Qingquan, Wang Qin, Feng Lei, Xie Jie, a process method for preparing single phase high manganese silicon thin films under raw material oxidation, invention patent, ZL 202110390892.0, authorization date: July 5, 2022

[5] Xie Quan, Zhang Jinmin, Xiao Qingquan, Liang Yan, Zeng Wuxian, Wang Yan, Ma Daojing Process method for preparing Cr doped b-FeSi2 thin films Invention patent number: ZL 201010148151.3 Authorization date: April 25, 2012;

[6] Xie Quan, Ju Yun, Zhang Jinmin, Xiao Qingquan, a preparation process for semiconductor material SiC thin film, invention patent, ZL 201410273829.9, authorization date: April 19, 2017

[7] Xie Quan, Xie Jing, Liu Dong, Gao Ciguo, Zhang Jinmin, Xiao Qingquan, Chen Qian, Liao Yangfang, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, process for preparing ferromagnetic material Fe3Si thin films by resistive thermal evaporation, invention patent, ZL 201510905584.1, authorization date: February 23, 2018

[8] Xie Quan, Xie Jing, Liu Dong, Gao Ciguo, Zhang Jinmin, Xiao Qingquan, Chen Qian, Liao Yangfang, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin. A method for preparing magnetic Fe3Si particle film, invention patent, ZL 201510905593.0, authorization date: November 15, 2019

[9] Xie Quan, Liao Yangfang, Zhang Baohui, Yang Yunliang, Xiao Qingquan, Liang Feng, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Xie Jing, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, Zhang Jingyu A type of infrared detector Utility model patent, ZL 201520014583.3 Authorization date: May 13, 2015

[10] Xie Quan, Liao Yangfang, Yang Yunliang, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Baohui, Liang Feng, Wang Shanlan, Wu Hongxian, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Xie Jing, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, Zhang Jingyu A type of light-emitting diode Utility model patent, ZL 201520521746.7, authorization date: November 4th, 2015

[11] Xie Quan, Chen Kan, Xiao Qingquan, Xu Zhiyong, Zhang Zhongmin, Guo Xiaotian, Pang Xue, Shao Peng, Chen Qian, Gao Tinghong Insect killing lamp Appearance design patent, ZL 201530042457.1, authorization date: September 30, 2015

[12] Xie Quan, Chen Kan, Xiao Qingquan, Xu Zhiyong, Zhang Zhongmin, Guo Xiaotian, Pang Xue, Shao Peng, Chen Qian, Gao Tinghong, a type of insecticide lamp Utility model patent, ZL 201520098848.2, authorization date: October 7th, 2015

[13] Xie Quan, Liao Yangfang, Wu Hongxian, Fang Di, Wang Shanlan, Liu Xiaojun, Liang Feng, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Ma Rui, Xie Jing, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, Zhang Jingyu An intelligent parking lock Utility model patent, ZL 201521119854.8, authorization date: May 25, 2016

[14] Xie Quan, Wu Hongxian, Zhang Jinmin, Liao Yangfang, Fang Di, Wang Shanlan, Liu Xiaojun, Liang Feng, Xiao Qingquan, Chen Qian, a new type of thermal evaporation coating device, utility model patent, ZL 201520991442.7, authorization date: April 20, 2016

[15] Xie Quan, Liao Yangfang, Wang Shanlan, Fang Di, Wu Hongxian, Liu Xiaojun, Liang Feng, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Chen Qian, Ma Rui, Xie Jing, Fan Menghui, Huang Jin, Zhang Jingyu; A portable toilet cleaner, utility model patent, ZL 201521119601.0, authorization date: August 17th, 2016

[16] Wang Kun, Xie Quan, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Ma Jiajun, Wang Li, He Teng, Shi Jianlei, Wang Xinyue, a device for deep extraction of silicon carbide micro powder from ground iron materials, utility model, ZL 201822200180.4, authorization date: August 23, 2019

[17] Wang Kun, Xie Quan, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Ma Jiajun, Liao Yangfang, Wang Li, He Teng, Shi Jianlei, Wang Xinyue, a sensor based on magnesium silicate thin film, utility model, ZL 201822036 046.5, authorization date: June 7th, 2019

[18] Wang Kun, Xiao Qingquan, Zhang Jinmin, Wang Li, He Teng, Wang Yuan, A Memory Based on Mg2Si Semiconductor Material, ZL 201920376582.1, Authorization Date: October 8th, 2019

Release date: 2024-04-29
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Phone:0851-88236659
Copyright College of Big Data and Information Engineering