Luo Xiangyan

I obtained my doctoral degree from the School of Big Data and Information Engineering at Guizhou University in 2021, during which I conducted cultural exchange visits in the United States as a visiting scholar. Starting from 2022, I have been employed as an associate professor at the School of Big Data and Information Engineering of Guizhou University. During this period, I was mainly responsible for teaching undergraduate and graduate courses. Undergraduate courses included principles of data visualization, Matlab principles and applications, while graduate courses included linear system theory, modern electronic measurement, etc. In 2023, I started serving as a master's supervisor, dedicated to cultivating students' research abilities and innovative thinking. In the process of guiding graduate students, emphasis is placed on combining theory with practice, encouraging students to participate in practical projects, and improving their ability to solve practical problems. In graduate guidance, I emphasize personalized guidance and academic integrity. Each graduate student will receive one-on-one guidance to ensure that their research direction matches their personal interests and career plans.

Release date: 2024-04-30
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Phone:0851-88236659
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