Project Introduction

According to the Notice of the Ministry of Education on Approving Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Projects in the First Half of 2019 (Jiaowai Han [2019] No. 55), the undergraduate program in Information Management and Information Systems jointly offered by Guizhou University and the University of West Carolina in the United States has been approved.

The Sino-foreign cooperative education program in Information Management and Information Systems is a joint effort between Guizhou University and the University of West Carolina. Students study at Guizhou University for the first three years. Students who meet the requirements of the University of West Carolina will spend their final year studying at the University of West Carolina. Upon successful completion of the program requirements and the required credits, students will be awarded the Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems and Business Management from the University of West Carolina, as well as the undergraduate diploma and degree certificate from Guizhou University. If students are unable to study at the University of West Carolina in their final year, they will continue their studies at Guizhou University for their final year. Upon meeting the graduation requirements, they will be awarded the diploma from Guizhou University. For those who meet the degree awarding criteria, they will be granted the Bachelor's degree certificate from Guizhou University. This program only accepts candidates who have clearly indicated their preference for this major.

This program is Guizhou University's proactive response to the national call for Double First-Class university construction. It actively integrates the academic resources of the University of West Carolina in the United States, introduces high-quality international courses, original textbooks, faculty, and advanced educational concepts. Both parties jointly develop talent training plans and teaching plans. After being approved by the Ministry of Education, it is open to candidates nationwide through the national unified college entrance examination for Sino-foreign cooperative education projects. Following the national strategy of deeply integrating big data, artificial intelligence, and the real economy, this program aims to cultivate professionals with strong ethical and humanistic qualities. They will master the fundamental theories of information management and big data analysis, possess systematic professional knowledge and skills, be familiar with international business culture, and have proficient translation abilities. Graduates will be capable of conducting scientific research, engineering and technical development, and business management operations in fields such as information management, information systems design and operation, and big data analysis, making them highly specialized talents.

Release date: 2021-06-21
Address:Jiaxiu South Road, Huaxi, Guiyang, Guizhou, China Phone:0851-88236659
Copyright College of Big Data and Information Engineering